Activity 1: Madrid - 23 - 27 July 2013
All project co-organizers and associates meet: every year there will be three INTERNATIONAL METABODY PLATFORMS, in different partner locations.
24th July: Metabody Internal workshop: Introductions to the project
by co-organizers:
- Ana Kuntzelman presents: “Design and Performance Lab: DAP-Lab
reseach activities and potential contributions"
25th July: Metabody Internal workshop –
26th July: Metabody Internal workshop –
Main topic: Metamethodological frameworks + conceptual discussions -
towards a common open framework
- Ana Kuntzelman presents DAP-LAB wearable peformance prototyopes:
and Inaudible Choreographies”
Ana Kuntzelman presenting DAP-Lab design philosophy at Metabody 2013 in Madrid
Conference - Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, embodiment and the reversal
of Cybernetics. 3.000 years of posthuman history: “Arts and tékhnes
of embodiment”
27th July Technogenetic spirals and ontological critique
Activity 2 Dresden - 14 – 17 November
CYNETART festival platform for public presentation of Metabody project
Participants - Metabody partners and associates, experts and collaborators:
DAP-Lab: Johannes Birringer, Michèle Danjoux,
Jaime del Val, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Thomas Dumke, Johanna Roggan,
Matthias Härtig, Antonio Camurri, Corrado Canepa, Giacomo Lepri,
Muriel Romero, Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig, Robert Wechsler, Josepha
Dietz, Thomas Mader, Marcello Lussana, Annika Dörr, Delphine Lavau,
Alberto Magno, Jean Marc Matos, Marije Baalman, Bas Kooiker, Eva Botella
Ordinas, Nimish Biloria, Dieter Vandoren, Jia-Rey Chang, Brisa Muñoz
Parra, Marlon Barrios Solano, Sven Stollfuss, Isabelle Choinière,
Enrico Pitozzi, Andrea Davidson, Jo Siamon Salich,Thomas Dumke, Frieder
Participating artists and researchers:
- Martin Schöne, Ruth Schnell, Martin Kusch, Marie-Claude Poulin,
Vera Ondrasikova
Metabody Performances – Presentations
_ “Nacht des Experiments” 15th November, 21h 0- 23h: with
Robert Wechsler, Martin Schöne, Marco Donnarumma;
Johannes Birringer, Michèle Danjoux, Vera Ondrasikova: “Wearables
/ Audible and Inaudible Choreography” (film and demonstration)
(moderated by Jaime del Val on behalf of Klaus Nicolai)
Danjoux demonstrating her performable-costumes at CYNETarts2013 in Dresden
Metabody Conference
with Isabelle Choiniere, Enrico Pitozzi, Andrea Davidson, Jaime del
Val & Stephan Sorgner
- Internal Workshop by the METABODY partners (and potential new partners
like IMM group Mittweida, Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Wien, TU Delft
Hyperbody research lab) at Trans-Media-Lab Hellerau
16th Nov 2013: 11:oo DAP Lab (Johannes Birringer/Michèle Danjoux)
present: ARTAUD Method/physical preparation method and workshop on audiophonic
Johannes Birringer & Michèle
Danjoux working with Vera Ondrasikova (left) and workshop participants on wearable costumes and sound generation at Metabody-CYNETarts 2013
(Dresden); Marco Donnarumma with Danjoux's speaker collar (r)
Jaime del Val, Thomas Dumke, Antonio Camurri, Muriel Romero, Pablo Palacio,
Robert Wechsler, Delphine Lavau, Johannes Birringer, Michèle
Danjoux, Jean Marc Matos, Marije Baalman, Eva Botella Ordinas, Nimish
Biloria, Martin Kusch, Ruth Schnell, Marcello Lussana, Marco Donnarumma;
Activity 3: Genova - 6-8, March 2014
Casa Paganini./IndoMus Lab Genoa, Italy
Participants - Metabody partners and associates, experts
and collaborators:
Jaime del Val, Antonio Camurri, Corrado Canepa, Giacomo Lepri, Paolo
Coletta, Stefano Piana, Alessandra Staglianò, Thomas Dumke, Steffen
Hönig, Muriel Romero, Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig, Robert Wechsler,
Marcello Lussana, Alberto Magno, Jean Marc Matos, Marije Baalman, Bas
Kooiker, Eva Botella Ordinas, José Luis Carles, Nimish Biloria,
Dieter vanDoren, Jia-Rey Chang, Federica Frabetti, Liana Borghi, Alicia
Participants DAP-Lab: Johannes Birringer, Michèle Danjoux.
7th March: Internal Workshop by the METABODY partners /
9'30-13’00 - Update on case studies from all partners
Presentation of EyesWeb research methodologies and capture./extraction
protocols. Demonstrations of systems using Eyesweb developed by Infomus,
including the system for emotional entrainment of autistic children
and another for analysing leadership and entrainment though syncronisation
of movement using sensing devices of smartphones.
14'00-18'00 - Afternoon joint session: Case Studies
Project collaboration meeting: DAP-Lab (Birrnger) and Kouros, to plan
cooperation on wearable design for Phantom Limb
8th March Participation in Internal Workshop with the METABODY partners;
testing of MotionComposer installation.
Activity 4 Madrid - 10 - 18 July 2014
MediaLab Prado Madrid // UAM // Casa Encendida
Particpants DAP-Lab: Johannes Birringer, Michèle
Danjoux, Ana Kuntzelman
With coordinator and coorganizers: Jaime del Val (Reverso), Pablo Palacio
& Muriel Romero (Instituto Stocos), Eva Botella-Ordinas & José
Luis Carles (UAM), Kas Oosterhuis, Nimish Biloria, Dieter Vandoren,
Jia Rey Chang (TUDelft), Thomas Dumke, Jo Siamon Salich, Steffen Hönig
(TMA), Jean Marc Matos (K-Danse), Marije Baalman & Joel Ryan (STEIM),
Antonio Camurri, Gualtiero Volpe, Stefano Piana, Giacomo Lepri (Infomus),
Alberto Magno (Fabrica de Movimentos), Bernd Schaedlich (IMM), Robert
Wechsler, Delphine Lavau, Marcello Lussana (Palindrome).
Associated and advisors: Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Dieter Vandoren,
Alicia Peñalba, Yvonne Foerster, Beatriz Pichel, Oscar Quejido,
Laura Rodriguez, Ekmel Ertan.
Conference speakers: Johannes Birringer, Michèle Danjoux, Nuria
Font, Laura Lake Smith, Angela Parker/Káiser, Monika Jaeckel,
Imogen Racz, Katherine Mills, Inês Afonso Lopes, Liz Watkins
Collaborators in workshops and meeting: Cristina Palmese, Marta Leirado,
Leticia Fernández Fontecha, Marcello Lussana, Josepha Dietz
Jaime del Val performing inside amorphous wearable architecture (c) 2014 filmstill J Birringer
July 10- 13 Participated in all internal meetings and workshops, and
attended public performance of Phantom Limb (Kouros) at La Casa Encendida
July 11 Michèle Danjoux/Johannes Birrinher present audiovisual
lecture at Conference (UAM): “Audible Choreography and the
Limits of Control” and participated in Conference
July 12 and 13: Presented Qigong workshop with Marcello Lussana (in
public park)
July 13 Filmed workshop demonstration of amorphous wearable architecture
by Jaime del Val
July 13 Michèle and Johannes Birringer meet with TMA Dresden team (Jo Simaon Salich, Steffen Hönig, Thomas Dumke)
to plan future collaboration on HOLOStage project and the transmutation of real presences/avatar presences
Danjoux testing Motioncomposer interactivity in workshop with Robert Wechsler /
Birringer and Salich in Madrid 2014 Madrid, discussing HOLOstage
Specially arranged workshop meetings:
1. July 14, with Marije Baakman and Jean Marc Matos on SenseState sensors
2. July 14, with Daniel Bisig and Kouros on development of new speaker
film costume (Casa Encendida)
3. July 14-16, with Robert Wechsler, Pablo Palacio, Marcello Lussana
(Casa Encendia) on
interactive performance with disabled persons
4. Work meeting with Miguel Espada, Universidad Complutense
5. July 16, Attendance at Jaime del Val’s studio, Microsex performance
6. July 17-18, Attendance of exhibitions at Raina Sofia and Caixa Forum
Activity 5 CYNETart2014 Festpielhaus Hellerau-Dresden, November 14-16,2014
Johannes Birringer, Michèle
Danjoux, and Vera Ondrasikova join up with Jo Simaon Salich, Johanna Roggen and the TMA team
during the CYNETart Festival, to work on the exhibition and further prototype development of a potential KlangPyramidenKleid for the HOLOSTAGE installtion convceived by Salich.
Participants in the workshop and exhibition/performance: Johannes Birringer, Michèle
Danjoux, Vera Ondrasikova, Jo Simaon Salich, Johanna Roggen, Matthias Hartig.
dress rehearsal featuring Johanna Roggen and rough prototype of pyramidHolodress, designed by Michèle
Danjoux (c) DAP-Lab 2014
HOLOstage Dress Rehearsal: - go here
IMF 2014 AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands December 10-18, 2014
Partners: Asociación Transdisciplinar REVERSO, Madrid, Jaime del Val, Cristian Garcia - Infomus - Universitá di Genova, Genoa, Paolo Coletta, Simone Ghisio, Stefano Piana, Antonio Camurri - TransMediaAkademie – Hellerau, Dresden, Thomas Dumke, DAP_Lab – Brunel University, London, Johannes Birringer, Michele Danjoux, K-Danse, Toulouse, Jean-Marc Matos, Emilie Villemagne (1m69), STEIM, Amsterdam, Marije Baalman, Tijs Ham, Palindrome, Weimar, Robert Wechsler, Marcello Lussana, Delphine Lavau, Josepha Dietz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Eva Botella-Ordinas, Instituto STOCOS, Pablo Palacio, Daniel Bisig, Hyperbody Research Group, TUDelft, Nimish Biloria, Jia Rey Chang, Veronika Lazlo, Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona lenard, IMM, Mittweida, Bernd Schaedlich, Sebastian Voigt, ---- Associated partners, Dieter van Doren (dtr_lab), Kevin LaGrandeur (New York Institute of Technology), Lisa Wymore and Sheldon Smith (UCBerkeley) ---- Further collaborators: Miri Lee, Nicolo Merendino, Marloeke van der Vlugt, Marc Nukoop, Ricardo o'Nascimento, Jonathan Reus, Anja Hertenberger.
At the end of each day (from 16h30 onwards), we meet up together and show and tell what was achieved during the day, and where to go; possibly regrouping workgroups for the next day.
Saturday morning:
Final preparations for public showing.
Saturday afternoon:
Open for the public
*** dinner break ***
Saturday evenings:
Open for the public
Sunday morning:
Reflection on the past week
Sunday afternoon:
Open for the public
============ PUBLIC EVENTS ===========
* Wednesday evening - presentations about the Body, Sound and Care; this will be a presentation of the MotionComposer project, and the project that STEIM has been working on over the past years with the Van Boeijen Institute in Assen.
* Saturday and Sunday MetaBody presentations of what the ensemble managed to make during the week:
Saturday 14-17h: open for the public - more installation/exhibition presentations.
Saturday 19:30 - 22h: open for the public - more performative pieces.
Sunday 14-17h: open for the public - more installation/exhibition presentations.
STEIM-Lab documentary film on new METABODy projects: - go here
(camera and postproduction by Julia Roeselers)
* * *